Current State of Affairs

May 21, 2013

This is our garage at the moment.

GARAGEAnd that’s not even all of it! It’s pouring outside our garage and I’m trying so hard to keep up with it all and sort/price/box.
We are having a church wide rummage this Saturday to help raise adoption funds.
So, this totally blesses us.

The funny part is we scheduled our home visit (the last home study meeting, yay!) for this week.

Before the rummage.
While we look like hoarders.

Should’ve thought that one through.

But, it’s all good and I’ve had a lot of fun finding treasures along the way of going through things and thought I’d share some of them here with you.

There’s the old radio

“Music for Happiness” (great title) and “Piano for Quitters”
I just noticed the poor guy’s head is in his hands!
pianoconfederate loan from 1864BONDS

The spoon. Seriously, I find this charming.
spoonAnd last, my favorite two items.
The tiniest Bible I’ve ever seen and a map that reminds me why we are doing all of this.


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