
July 17, 2013

A couple weeks back we received paperwork in the mail that gave us our date to get our fingerprints taken.


This was so exciting – the next step.

I’ve learned that how fast we get through the beginning of the adoption process is partly based on us as applicants. So, the past few months have been filled with home study appointments, online classes, face to face educational classes, many trips to the doctors to get our physicals, TB tests (& our paperwork filled out correctly), asking others to help us out by being references, and gathering a lot of personal paperwork.
We jumped all over this with great excitement.

And then we got to this point.
Where we just had to wait.

We filled out our I-800A as soon as we had our home study complete (in early June) and then had to sit back. There was no more paperwork for us to assemble or chase down. For me, the not actively doing something to keep this adoption process moving is the hardest. So, I may have squealed a bit when we got our letters in the mail with our fingerprint appointment.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect. Our paperwork said our appointment was at 8:00a.m. And of course, I started thinking “Do we really have an appointment for us at that time or is that just the time the doors open & everyone goes at 8?” Not wanting to be late, we planned on getting there by 7:30. The office was nearby, downtown Milwaukee, but with the uncertainty of what morning traffic would be like I made sure we got an extra early start. We dropped the boys off to my mom and headed downtown.

I was kind of extra concerned about our hands the past week. I really didn’t want anything to hold us up and if we got a cut or anything on our fingers, we would need to reschedule. I took Ashley’s advice and slept with vaseline on my fingers the night before to ensure an easy fingerprint.


We made it to the office early and went inside. No phones, cameras or recording devices are allowed in. After walking through security we waited in rows of chairs and watched the interaction of everyone else walking in. We were the first ones there for fingerprints. Other people came in for other business and were directed to the appropriate parts of the building. I was impressed by how kind the employees were. We watched as one woman walked in a little confused with her immigration paperwork and the security guard went above and beyond to help her. So much, to the point that she started to cry out of gratitude.

While we were sitting & waiting in the long rows of chairs in the government building, we talked about the times ahead of us that we will be in similar situations, but waiting in China government buildings and with so much more anticipation.

The doors opened at 8 am and we all stood and lined up in the order in which we had gotten there. Chad and I walked in to get fingerprinted and this may sound naive, but I expected there to be ink involved! It was fun to watch my prints show up on the computer simply by placing them on the glass. The woman helping me was sweet. I told her about the vaseline and she said it’s just those with dry hands that are difficult to fingerprint. She said hair stylists, construction workers, anyone that works with their hands should use lotion multiple times a day for a couple weeks before they come in.
It took just a couple minutes and we were done.

Such a quick trip and now we are back to waiting – but how wonderful to be one step closer!

The post Fingerprinted appeared first on Fancy That Design House & Co..

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